Select in a range

Recently I was scraping a thousand rows table, in this table I was only looking for a few lines. Of course I could do it easily with the scraping language, but I like to have a visual in the browser (and I am curious). The following solution is more in the "clever" side. For a KISS solution, I think that CSS may not be the best way to do that. That's said, let's go.

Our goal is to set pink as background-color of a range going from the third column to the seventh (i.e. start = 3 and end = 7).


We will start with a MCVE, the HTML will be ol>li*9>{test}:


To achieve our goal will use :nth-child():

The :nth-child() CSS pseudo-class matches elements based on their position among a group of siblings.

In fact, we will use it twice:

li:nth-child(n+3):nth-child(-n+7) {
background-color: pink;


li:nth-child(n+start):nth-child(-n+end) {
background-color: pink;

Try it online!


Tags: webdesign, css, scraping

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