Alias your Git

I use git mostly in command line. The main reason is to have error messages and an history of what I entered when I do something wrong. It helps me a lot. Writing git status a dozen time per feature is cumbersome. Let's use aliases.

Back in the time I used to maintain my own list of aliases. In my old .bashrc you could find lines like:

# print git status
alias gits='git status'

# Pretty print git log
alias gitl='git log --graph --decorate --all'

Some times ago, I found a ready-to-use list I quite like. This list is the Git Alias project from the eponym organisation on GitHub. I will let the project introduce itself from its README:

Git Alias is a collection of git version control shortcuts, functions, and commands:

You can install it in two commands:

curl -o ~/.gitalias 
git config --global include.path ~/.gitalias

Now make it your own!

Tags: git, shell, linux, windows

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